Naming Ceremonies
Welcoming your child into the world is one of the proudest moments for any parent, so celebrate the new arrival alongside your friends and family with a bespoke and unique Naming Ceremony that signifies your love, support and wishes for your baby or toddler.
Embracing an adopted child into your family equally deserves the recognition of the beginning of a journey for everyone, a naming ceremony will show how special and unique your choice has been.
Let’s celebrate!
Very little if anything can ever surpass bringing a new life into the world so it would be an honour for me to create one of the special moments in time for you to remember.
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Touch with me!
Together we will craft words that represent your thoughts about the future for the newest member of your family, including if you wish contributions from those who have been around a bit longer!
Sharing the occasion with all those who you love and care for, those closest to you can recite poems, perform readings and say heartfelt words for you and your child that will last long in the memory if not forever.
Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.
John F Kennedy
This is an opportunity to introduce guide parents to their honourable responsibility of guiding your child through their life alongside yourselves – as a parent of 2 grown up daughters myself I can vouch that sometimes you need a helping hand!
Wherever you choose to have your ceremony it can be as simple or detailed as you like – whichever way it will be full of love and joy to celebrate their life going forward.
Naming Celebration – £325
I look forward to connecting with you and
discussing your special day
Let’s Talk
Let’s Talk